Hoofstuk 154

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Message No 154 to Lukaas van Hout on 7 February 2014

Father, I receive your words as you have given them to me through your Holy Spirit and faithfully deliver them now.

Your will be done Father and I plead your mercy even now!

“Write these words that are spoken upon and within your heart by me I AM that I AM, write these words because the times of those times are upon my people.”

“Write these words that are spoken upon and within your heart by me I AM that I AM.”

“Write these words that they might know and that my House of Israel and my Daughter of Sion might prepare for this great evil which now comes upon the lands within and without my South Africa and across the lands of Africa will this great evil come as I, I AM that I AM has spoken!”

“Write these words that are spoken upon and within your heart by me I AM that I AM.”

“Write these words to this Pharaoh which lives among man within my South Africa.”

“Write these words to this Pharaoh and his ministers, wise men and councillors and yes all of his people who refuse to let my people go, write these words, write all of these words that are spoken upon and within your heart to write for me I AM that I AM.”

“Thus I say to you this night, I, yes me, I AM that I AM, the Elohiym and the I AM that I AM of Israel, the Elohiym and the I AM that I AM of Abraham, the Elohiym and the I AM that I AM of Jacob, I, YES ME, I AM THAT I AM, I will now curse these lands within and without South Africa for all of their iniquities that they have committed against me and my House of Israel as I have spoken.”

“I will curse these lands with the plague of great death in retribution and judgement against these wicked and evil children of Ham which troubles my children so and who refuses to let my people go that they serve me.”

“Thus I say to you this night, yes me, I AM that I AM, I will now curse these lands of this South Africa and the lands of Africa will I bring this curse as I have spoken.”

“This curse is the plague of the great death which now comes from that which creeps, crawls, flies and swims.”

“Yes from all of these begins the great death which has already begun among you and spreads across the lands from these floods of which you were warned and not only floods of the waters but floods of all kinds including the floods of the evil one and his host, the floods of the evil one and his host through man, the floods of the swarms of THE Locusts and the floods of the swarms of locusts and the floods of all kinds have I prepared for this South Africa and the other lands of Africa for their defiance of me.”

“My great and loving forbearance do these wicked children of Ham scorn and continually and in every imaginable manner arrogantly sneer their defiance of me before this world!”

“My unfathomable and never-ending mercy do they spite and trample underfoot before the kingdoms of this world!"

“My continual warnings again and again do they laugh and jeer to scorn me to my face before mankind!”

“Abomination of abominations, do these evil ones blasphemy and trample underfoot my life given for them and make my sacrifice a mockery before the eyes of man!”

“Abomination of abominations do they commit blasphemy against my Holy Spirit which has with the greatest of love and forbearance plead with their hearts these many, many years and many, many generations!”

“Abomination of abominations do these wicked children of Ham even yet know and believe my name yet refuse me through the great evil they have willingly and delightfully chosen to do against me and my people!"

“These wicked children of Ham have ridiculed and scoffed my Holy Spirit before all the nations of man!”

"As it has been written in my word, there is no forgiveness for these immeasurable blasphemies committed by these wicked children of Ham against me, my sacrifice, my will and my Holy Spirit!"

“You will bow to me evil and wicked children, you will bow to me and confess my name and in that day when you bow to me and confess my name, you will let my people go!”

“In that day and in that time when you bow to me and confess my name, yet will I then cease this curse and this plague but know evil and wicked children, know that the humbleness of your hearts to me will be in the times yet to come because of the spiteful arrogance and cast iron hardness of your hearts to bow to me and to confess my name.”

"Know and understand evil and wicked children that because of the spiteful arrogance and cast iron hardness of your hearts to bow to me and to confess my name to let my people go that they serve me, know and understand that these plagues will be upon these lands for a time and a time and a time.”

“Abomination of abominations are these wicked and evil children of Ham of that which stands and is made from the hands of men and makes desolate my name in my city of brotherly love, I, yes me, I AM that I AM, I will destroy this abomination with mine own hand that you will know, I AM that I AM!”


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