Revelation 45 and 46 by Judith de Beer

Revelation 45

11 July 2007 at 03h00

In the early hours of the morning I became awake and had the following clear vision. In the distance the sea was visible and something floated on its surface. With closer investigation it turned out to be human excrement. In the middle of this pollution, a mountain of this compacted human waste floated. A team of people intensely fought to get rid of this and eventually they succeeded in getting it on the beach, which presented a new problem, because now the people did not know how to get rid of it. People dressed in white coats were standing around with their hands in their hair, while the stench just became more and more. 

Revelation 46

11 July 2007 at 09h00

Who can be My advisor, yes who will ever be able to give Me advice.

Like fog before the sun, all kings, governments and nations disappear in My holy presence. With very fine planning they sidestep Me and by ignoring Me, they pretend that I do not exist. By mocking Me they try to drive away the fear hidden inside them. As an abomination of all great abominations, which should be destroyed before My holy presence, that is what the great ones of the world are. Each Mammon figure will be trampled into nothing by My own feet and in the dust of the earth it will lie forever.

Therefore, rise up Oh Zion and sing your new song. The time has come and from My New Jerusalem the bridegroom comes to summons His bride. Yes, from My own hand you came forth, Oh Israel, therefore you will forever sing My praise, through all My creations.