Revelation 44 by Judith de Beer

Revelation 44

10 July 2007 at 05h00

You people pay homage to each other for one or other senseless achievement, position or merely the amount of money that a person has at his disposal. Certain people are given so much praise by the media and the society for something absurd that they are elevated into demigods, so that people imitate the frivolous lifestyles of these idols like parrots. Yes, even the preciousness of human existence is measured to labels on perishable clothes.

Irreplaceable, precious time is forever wasted by this kind of vanity. Only a short earthly life was granted to you, to make the choice that will determine the rest of your spiritual existence.

For My children I have prepared unimaginable many blissful orders and creations in my immeasurable heavenly home, where they will work as godly heirs and keepers. Because all life emerging from Me is immortal, the unsuccessful life ending on earth will also keep on existing forever, and passively it will come to a standstill in an everlasting, inactive order.  But with full consciousness these souls will keep on existing, to pursue life as an illusion and hallucination in vain, which will be nothing else but everlasting death itself.  As infinite spirits you were born into insignificant bodies on this earth, to come and conduct your test as infinite spirit in a limited body. Because it has become impossible for man to figure this out, I have rushed to your aid with My coming to earth as a human, not just as an example, but also to bring a pure doctrine, so that it would again be possible for you to find your way back to the Father Home. But alas, this doctrine has become so distorted that the guides could not indicate the path accurately anymore. But in My wisdom I once again prepared an alternative short cut to the perfect eternity and this is by means of love. If every human on this earth would just extend his hand to one sinner only, to help him up with love, to thus also complete his path successfully, this earth in itself would have been a perfect heaven already.